Steps to create a voice:
- Navigate to the Voice Universe:
- Click the ‘Upload Voice’ tab.
- Click on the white and purple plus sign labeled ‘Add yours’.
- Add a name for the voice, the language of the audio source, a category, an avatar, and any relevant tags. Additionally, select if you’d like this voice to be public or private.
- For the best results:
1. Voice should be without noise
2. The quality of the audio file must be high
3. Audio recording should ideally be 15 minutes or more (the longer the audio recording the better).
4. In the window of the voice upload, please ensure the information is entered correctly
I cannot view my voice in the app after uploading it and seeing it online
i can't upload any voice in my account either. it doesn't bring part at all because i want them to upload the voice.
when i hit the button, it just brings me to pick an avatar. choose a language and that's it!
Could you please join the server in discord so I can see what the problem is? It would help the project a lot rohi
Hola! Ya cargue mi foto para el avatar y cargue varios audios con mi voz, pero al darle clic a construir o al darle clic en ahorrar ambos me envían un aviso que dice: Éxito! Advertencia el campo de nombre es obligatorio y en el campo de Nombre ya escribí mi nombre completo y mis dos apellidos y vuelvo a dar clic y me vuelven a salir esos anuncios, Que debo hacer?
No ho he de veure bé, per fi suposo que seré aquí.
이제 Windows 3.0b로 다운그레이드 중입니다.
한국어로 보여요
I can not see my voice please help.
where's tech support? People upload voices and it stays in draft and no voice is actually created! People ask how to solve this but you don't answer. And I'm having the same problem
@rohi, I have registered, I have downloaded the app. I did add an mp3 cloned voice and an avatar, name, language and category and saved. But when I want to select the voice and use it , I can't find it to use. Please how can I used my custom voice that I have already uploaded? And then also use it real-time.
i was made a voice by my voice but in action application not stabilize and it was crash for several time during uploading or application dont download voice and have error.its very annoing and make me nurves .please add support section on your application .i was buy pro version of your application but i dont able to make any voice at all .
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