Tipping Voice Creators
The ability to "tip a voice creator" when rating their voice.
The ability to tip voice creators when you rate their voices or train them. Likely rating would be the more logical time as people who rate a voice high are more inclined.
Maybe tip in credits or the ability to tip with actual money? Charge a small platform fee to fund voice ai on top of the tip. The tip goes to the creator at the rate of 100%.
Here's a possible workflow for tipping:
Start -> Train a voice -> Use it -> Pop-up after 15 minutes of using a voice asking you to rate it (pop-up should have standard "no thanks", "later" and "let's rate it" options - hitting "no thanks" makes it so the rating pop-up never comes up again for that voice)-> After giving it 4 stars or more pop-up saying "Say thanks to the creator and give them a tip. 100% of your tip goes to the creator. We add a small 10% platform fee on top of your tip to fund the development of Voice AI." -> Suggested tip amount is provided ($5.00?) -> Other options are given of $1.00, $10.00 and Other where you can specify how much you want to give -> You are then taken to your Paypal page to complete the transaction -> Tip to creator made -> End
Also there should be a universal option in settings to turn off the pop-up to rate voices (I can imagine the pop-ups would get old fast).
This is a great idea, if someone created a unique voice and people rate the voice up, then a tip of maybe 50 credits for each vote up would soon add up.
I doubt the developers will pay out real money for voices, as it's not a very good business model, though they do need more options such as this, for content creators to earn more credits for their work and time.
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Voice AI has mentioned they are considering a way for voice creators to make real money off the platform but the very least would be credits.
Though as a voice creator (and not a big voice user) the credits are useless right now to me. I have 2.9 million credits and nothing to spend them on. I would need the ability to pay to train my voices more or convert my credits to a small amount of money to at least cover my expenses for making voices. I'm paying licensing fees, voice actors and my time so it'd be nice to at least cover those.
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Yes, we pro voice creators need a way to monetize our voices!
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