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Pay Credits to Users for Creating New Voices



  • Selystria

    There's another feature request which is about tipping voice creators along similar lines of this.

    So first, you do not need to use WAV format. MP3 format works too. Small correction in your assumption.

    Second, I like the idea except that an incentive would be created to spam the platform with low effort voices to get the 5k credits. And who would decide what a good unique voice is? And how would you prevent abuse of this system?

    Duplicates are fine as well. You want people to try making their own version to improve the voice. Sure Joe Biden has a good one but some other people only have mediocre versions. Competition is good.

  • DDBE

    I'd say if sniping duplicates is ever gonna become a thing, it should be used in good measure. For example, both William Shatner voices that were on the server before mine were old Shatner from the 2010s, while mine is designed to sound more like he did during the 1960s when he was on TOS.

  • Sonny
    Hi, do I have to pay monthly for the Voice.AI PRO version? or do I only need to purchase once and then I don't have to pay anything?
  • Rat

    I'd be cool if they just let me have the voices that I make for free.


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